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Albus Health

Website & Branding Website & Branding

About the Company

Albus Health is a spinout from University of Oxford from the Department of Respiratory Medicine and Institute of Biomedical Engineering.

Albus Health has developed Albus Home RD, a completely passive and contactless home monitoring device that monitors patients while they sleep without burdening them. 

How does it work ?

They capture physiological metrics such as respiratory rate, cough and more, and environmental metrics such as air quality, humidity and temperature. Our solution enables the capture of a high quantity and quality of data from remote monitoring in research and clinical care. 

Our Solution

We helped them build their brand identity by reflecting in their Website, Illustrations & Icons. The approach for Albus Health’s identity was to keep it minimal and neat, while incorporating the elements of respiratory medicine.  


Hey! We make comics for Brands.

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Hey! We do Animation too.

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